Owners Rate £ 0.17679 (£ per unit)
Refuse Rate £ 141.49 (per habitable unit)
This can be paid by:
- Cheque Please post to the Forest Douzaine Room enclosing an SAE (Stamped Addressed Envelope) if you want a receipt.
- Cash Please post into our secure letter box at the Douzaine Room with an SAE (Stamped Addressed Envelope) if you want a receipt.
- BACS If you want to pay by BACS please add invoice number. Details on the rates bill.
If you are having difficulty paying this due to the affects of COVID-19 please get in touch with the Constables.
Final Demands will be sent out with a £25 fine.
Please pay your rates as soon as possible or we will have to chase you up through Petty Debts, which costs the parish money.