DOG TAX is payable annually at a rate of £10.00 per dog and is renewable each January.
Dog Tax can be paid:
- at the Constables' Office, Tuesdays, 6.00 - 7.00 pm. (These will be computer generated A4 size licences).
- by post if a stamped addressed envelope (local stamp) is enclosed. Cheques should be made payable to 'Constables of the Forest'.
- at Forest Stores Post Office Counter. (These will be hand-written licences).
- by BACS Sort code 40-22-25 Account 61889397 Account Name: Constables of the Forest, ref: your name and dog tax. Please can you email with your name, postal address, phone number, email address, name/s of dog/s and type of dog/s and we will send you your licence. Please can you add 65 pence local postage to your total. Please note, that giving us your details, gives us permission to hold onto this information for the purpose of a dog licence only.
Tax is due for all dogs over the age of 6 months, the only exceptions being in respect of a dog kept solely by a deaf or disabled person for their hearing or guidance (e.g. guide dogs for the blind or hearing dogs for the deaf).
Licences are issued by the Constables of the particular parish in which the applicant has his/her ordinary residence.
Licences are not transferable, even if the dog is given or sold to another person. Should an owner move parish during the year a new tax is not required, but such owners should register the following year in their new parish of residence.
It is not the dog that is taxed, rather the owner who pays the tax to keep a dog.
Income generated from the collection of Dog Tax is credited to the parish's Public Improvement Account which is used to fund items of general improvement for the parish at the discretion of the Douzaine.
Dog owners failing to pay the tax could render themselves liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding £500 in accordance with the Dog Licences (Guernsey) Law, 1969 (as amended).
Updated Jan 2025