
Fairies in the Forest -2022 onwards
Children at Forest Primary School and Year 6 children at Le Rondin coloured in 160 small wooden fairy doors. They were varnished and placed along short and longer walking routes at an event which took place Sunday 19 May 2024.  The doors were judged by a local artist and prizes presented at a school assembly.
Money raised from events goes towards the purchase of bedding plants and shrubs for the various planters at the Douzaine Room, the Forest Church, Chemin Le Roi Cemetery and at Le Bourg.
In order to be able to keep the parish looking nice we need your help!
If you would like to contribute in any way, please get in touch. Thank you.
Music on the Cliffs - 2019
In year 2019,  £1000 was raised for The Eleanor Foundation for their water wells in Tanzania and £896.20 for our funds which almost doubled the year before.

There was a great atmosphere for this Guernsey themed event, people enjoyed their picnics seated on hay bales in the sunshine and listened to sea shanties and folk music played by local bands.

Peter Rabbit came along and Guernsey cattle, donkeys and goats were on view and there a chance to learn some Guernsey Patois at a workshop. Le Hechet ice-creams, coffee, cakes and hedge veg were for sale.

There was face-painting for the youngsters, who came free.

The use of the three fields was courtesy of Keith and John Tostevin and Michael Bray, one field for the event and two for parking, and road access was one way on the day. The views were outstanding, and the performers said it was a perfect spot. We had sponsorship for the gazebos, toilets, and road signs.
The idea was put forward by the late Peter Falla.

Volunteers made fairy cakes for the event