Former members of Floral Forest - Joan Ozanne, George Timmer and Francis Paul.
The deadheaders enjoying coffee after their weekly hour of deadheading the displays.
Can you help deadhead the floral displays?

Come to the Forest Douzaine Room, opposite the Co-op Garage or to Le Bourg bus stop by Forest Stores at 10am and we will show you what to do.
Once a week from the end of May to September our Forest Wombles (committee members and volunteers) meet to deadhead the flowers at the Forest Church, Chemin le Roi  Cemetery, Le Bourg, top of Petit Bôt and at the Douzaine Room.  Some help with watering during the season and others help keep the parish tidy by picking up litter.

The more volunteers we have the better, as it makes the job easier and quicker, so if you have time to spare please come and help. We will show you how to keep the flowers looking beautiful.

As the Floral Guernsey competition draws near in July our volunteers give extra time making sure that the route for the judges is perfect.

All it takes is a little of your time to become a volunteer and the benefits can be seen instantly.

They say that Gardening is good for your health and mental well being.

Thank you.